Our 7-Step Process

WELCOME: Organise a FREE 15-minute call with us to see if I’d be a good fit for your child

ASSESS: We’ll get a snapshot of your child’s abilities when you complete 3 x online assessments prior to sessions and sign Agreement

COACH: Your child and family will have 4 x 1 hr sessions (via zoom or face-to-face) to see how we can help support you and them for home schooling 

TAILOR: We’ll produce a 3, 6, 12 month Individual Learning Plan to help you support your child through home schooling and give you a Bank of Resources

ADAPT: After the 4 x sessions, we’ll give you a Progress Report and assist you in keeping Records to help you monitor your child’s learning

ENGAGE: There will be ongoing engagement with monthly check-in’s to monitor learning

SUPPORT: We provide ongoing support, advice and we can help you adapt and change learning plan to suit the needs of your child and family.